Registration info

We welcome students, academics, and industry professionals to attend the Deep Learning Indaba๐• South Africa - one of South Africa’s premier Machine Learning gatherings and community-building spaces ๐Ÿค.

“Indaba” is a Zulu and Xhosa word meaning “discussion” or “conference”

The aim of the conference is to provide a practical introduction to machine learning for beginners, to exchange scientific knowledge amongst researchers, and showcase cutting-edge applications from industry partners.

As much as we want everyone to join us, there is limited space available so we can only allow ~400 attendees in order to maximise their experience ๐Ÿซ.

Note: we will have videographers and photographers at the event ๐Ÿ“ท, smiles encouraged ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

ย Important dates

Keep an eye on this page for updates.

2024-04-01 ๐Ÿ“Applications for free attendance (e.g. for students) open
2024-04-05 ๐ŸŽ—1st wave of paid registrations (e.g. for academics) open
2024-04-12 ๐Ÿ“œAbstract submissions open
2024-05-12 ๐Ÿ›‘Applications for free attendance close
2024-05-12 ๐ŸŸ Abstract submissions close
2024-06-06 ๐Ÿ“ขNotification of application acceptance
2024-06-14 ๐ŸŽคNotification of abstract acceptance
2024-06-14 ๐Ÿ’šEarly registration closes (prices increase)
2024-07-05 โ˜‘๏ธRSVP to secure spot for applicants (acceptance +4 days)
2024-07-05 ๐ŸŸกFinal wave of paid registrations close

Travel grants must be applied for during the application process. See Travel grants for more info.

ย Support and Sponsors

If you are interested in supporting us, please fill out the sponsorship form or email us directly for more information. Employees of companies who sponsor the event can attend free of charge, according to the sponsorship agreement. Sponsorship Information Email:

ย Talks and Posters

We have some slots available for submitted talks ๐ŸŽค , posters ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ .

We are currently only considering in-person presentations #

More information can be found on the abstract details page

ย Goals

We want to facilitate the learning of others and give them opportunities.

Our goals are for attendees to:

  • Learn from African researchers and pioneers
  • Have the opportunity for one-on-one time with experts
  • Learn basic and advanced topics in ML



Acceptance: upon payment



Acceptance: upon payment



Acceptance: 6th June (approx.)

Present a talk


Acceptance: 1st June (approx.)

Who should register?

We welcome students, academics, and industry professionals to attend the Deep Learning Indaba๐• South Africa - one of South Africa’s premier Machine Learning gatherings and community-building spaces ๐Ÿค.

“Indaba” is a Zulu and Xhosa word meaning “discussion” or “conference”

All backgrounds are welcome!

Everyone is invited to join the community and experience…


Practical knowledge

Learn the latest techniques and tools for deep learning, and get hands-on experience with them.

Experience tutorials and workshops, which set the stage for the conference and provide practical skills that you can apply to your own work or research.


Scientific exchange

Network with researchers from across the country and continent, and learn about the latest research in deep learning.

Catch up with friends to discuss their latest results and meet future collaborators for discovering what’s next.


Cutting-edge applications

Interact with cutting-edge applications from industry and community researchers making an impact.

See a showcase of the latest research and applications in deep learning, and learn how to implement it to your work.

Frequently asked questions

How many people from a single group or company should attend?

This is highly dependent on the nature of group’s research and the individuals within.

We highly encourage everyone to (apply to) attend, but there are of course limitations in terms of space and costs. We cannot guarantee everyone from a group will be able to attend, and we will be prioritising diversity of attendees from multiple institutes and groups, where possible. However, we encourage those that do attend to showcase a summary of what they learnt to their groups; our community extends beyond the confines of who can attend a single event!

If you would like to guarantee multiple spots and support a good cause (we’re a non-profit by the way!), consider supporting us as the packages come with awesome perks!

How do I imporve my application?

Here are some tips to strengthen your next application

  • Keep spelling and grammar in mind; itโ€™s one of the first thing reviewers notice. Did you notice “imporve” above.
  • Show that you are committed to learning more about machine learning. For example, if you’ve taken an online course (such as Andrew Ng’s Coursera course) you should mention it (and if you haven’t we would highly recommend doing so).
  • Talk about how you are already using, or how you plan to use, machine learning for your work or research.
  • Talk about how you are contributing to your local machine learning community. For example, do you organize meetup events, run lectures, or lead a study group?
  • Make sure you put plenty of effort into the application since this is one way for us to judge your interest in attending.

See more tips here.

I’m a postdoc, where do I fit in?

It depends on contract. If you’re a lecturer, you should apply as an academic. If you’re mainly a postdoc researcher but struggling with funds, apply as a student (there’s no harm in trying). If you’re a postdoc researcher and have a strong stable income, you should apply as an academic.

I’m not sure if I’m a good fit, should I still attend?

Yes! Give yourself every opportunity to succeed by applying in the first place.

The IndabaX is an opportunity to grow, explore, and learn new things while meeting amazing people along the way. Diverse backgrounds complement the experience and benefit the group dynamics; each participant will have their own journey to share.

I’m not from South Africa, can I still attend?

Yes! The IndabaX is open to anyone from anywhere in the world.

We are committed to making the IndabaX accessible to everyone, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. However, please note that we are unable to provide travel or accommodation assistance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.