Join the Indaba𝕏 2022 organising committee

Published on 04 May 2022

We are looking for the next generation of ML community leaders in South Africa!

Please fill out this form if you want to take on responsibilities in organising the Deep Learning IndabaX conference in South Africa in 2022, which will be held at the University of Pretoria at the end of the year (~ December).

The roles and responsibilities can be found at this link

In your motivation, please address:

  1. what will you bring to the IndabaX (i.e. why does the IndabaX need to have you on the team),
  2. how have you championed for ML and the ML community in the past, and
  3. what experience do you have that is relevant to the position(s) above.

Note that we are strongly looking for passion and commitment to the ML community. Experience organising events and involvement in a ML community is a plus. Willingness to learn is a must.

You will receive support from the directors of the Deep Learning IndabaX South Africa as well as the Deep Learning Indaba.


  1. Applications close 16th May 23:59 UTC
  2. You may be asked to interview with the executive committee. You don’t need to prepare anything other than bringing the passion! This would ideally take place the week of the 23rd May.
  3. Applicants notified by end of May
  4. June onwards: organise the event!